As I sit here winging my way across Europe at some stupid o’clock in the morning after only a couple of hours sleep, I’m contemplating what WordCamp Europe will hold for me. Already I’ve met some …
Contributing to WordPress
There are a lot of posts and articles that talk about the many ways in which you can contribute to WordPress; I thought I’d add to that count! A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of listening …
Working with talented people
I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with some very talented people over the years. These talented individuals come in many different forms, some loud and proud of their skills, others …
Time spent with an Innovative WordPress Agency
A few weeks ago I was kindly offered the chance to join Moove, a WordPress specialist web development agency, on their first team building session. The thought of spending a couple of days with a team …
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WPLDN Speaker Application Form
Do you want to share your WordPress skills with the WordPress London Meetup? Become a WPLDN speaker Our Meetup takes place every month, and we are always looking for speakers. Attendance is usually …
Tech companies plan ‘go slow’ day in protest over net neutrality rules
On 10 September, Etsy, Foursquare, Kickstarter, Reddit and others will alter websites to show potential impact of FCC decision Go Slow Day will highlight the importance of net …
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