WPLDN Speaker Application Form

Edited 9 Sept 2014 - 10 years, 4 months and 29 days ago
202 words
2 minutes

Do you want to share your WordPress skills with the WordPress London Meetup? Become a WPLDN speaker

Our Meetup takes place every month, and we are always looking for speakers. Attendance is usually around 100 members with diverse skill sets.

You don’t have to be a WordPress ninja to speak at the meetup (though WP ninjas are certainly welcome), but having one of the following qualifications certainly helps:

  • Did you write an awesome WordPress plugin and you want to explain how it works with our group?
  • Have you built a WordPress site with some fun, unique code and want to dissect it for the meetup?
  • Are you an expert with a certain Framework/Parent Theme?
  • Are you an expert in WordPress security or scaling?
  • Is CSS and graphics your thing?
  • Are you in or visiting the London area and would like to speak?

We are always looking for speakers, so please do not be shy. We plan three talks for every WPLDN, so you don’t have to worry about presenting for a full hour or more, just half hour is perfect!

If you feel this is for you and are happy to share with the WordPress community please complete the Speaker Registration form on the #WPLDN site and we will be in touch.

Article title: WPLDN Speaker Application Form

Article author: Dan Maby

Link to article: https://danmaby.com/posts/2014/09/wpldn-speaker-application-form [copy]

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