Remove Open Graph meta from AppThemes Vantage

Edited 23 Sept 2015 - 9 years, 4 months and 15 days ago
119 words
1 minutes

Sometimes I like to remind myself why I use the Genesis framework for almost all my projects. I have just completed the Virtual Assistant Directory as an internal project. For the sake of speed I used an off-the-shelf theme from AppThemes, called Vantage, that fulfilled 95% of my need.

One of the challenges I faced though relates to the Open Graph meta. The theme provides no way to customise the titles or description on a per post/page basis. The solution seemed to be simple: install the ever faithful WordPress SEO plugin from Yoast. This lead to unexpected issues with duplicated OG meta.

If this is an issue you are facing the answer is to add the following to your child functions.php:

Article title: Remove Open Graph meta from AppThemes Vantage

Article author: Dan Maby

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